God's word given.
When did the Devils existence make his presence felt to known man kind?
Our first encounter with the Devil is in Genesis, starting with Eve, this is the first encounter known to mankind that is recorded.
In the book of Genesis we are told that the Devil worked through a Serpent, and if we understand the Scriptures with an overall understanding on various subjects, we will see that this is how the Devil works evil today. (The old Serpent as mentioned in Rev).
Look at what has happened to Eve; Eve was deceived by a Serpent, an apparent Serpent, yes the Serpent was there alright, but this Serpent was being used by the Devil to speak through, and to Eve, then Eve was deceived, ----she then took that deception to Adam.
Once Eve was deceived, the Devils job was taken over by her, the Devil had been successful in that his purpose of testing by temptation has been effective, even though we may think it is an unnecessary evil, none the less, God tests all his people, his creation has to be bought to be worthy of Eternal and immortal life, and those who are tested and found worthy will enter into that Life: Even Adam would be deceived also, and Eve was the conveyor of the deception.
Now then, the Serpent is needed no more at this stage, because the Devil has been completely successful and now by his influence has shown up a weakness in the people of God.
Now that is one of the ways that Evil spreads today, it’s not the only way, but it is very effective, and the weaknesses of man are very quickly caught up in the deception of sin, the deception that is formulated within the Devils existence.
We have to understand this; everything is of God, there is nothing known to man that is not of God, God created the Devil for purpose: we see by the book of “Job” that the Devil once held an amiable position and relationship with God, he dwelt in the High Heaven also, and God used him to purpose on “Job”. Now as the ages have passed God needs a more aggressive Devil, and we see by Scripture/Gospel that the Devil has been cast out of that position in Heaven, following a war with Michael and his Angels, now the Devil is raging angry, he’s on this Earth now, no longer does he hold his position in Heaven, he knows he has little time on this Earth, he has lost his comfortable relationship which suited him fine, after all that’s what he was created for, now he is not happy and is making War with God’s people, and that includes even the obedient to God.
The Devil hates Jesus the Christ; because; the Devil loses the position he had working, in his way in the Highest Heavens. The Devil wants to work out the Eternal realm his way, using his methods, the book of “Job” demonstrates this, he is therefore angered into rebellion towards Yahweh our one and only God, and he is indignant at this Jesus becoming the Christ, because Jesus came with compassion. The Devil comes to us with a third of the Angels! All Spirit! This evil spirit can and will influence our own spirit, there is only one way out of this trap! Obey Yahweh, Obey our God Yahweh, and obey the Man Jesus the Christ that we have been given by Yahweh.
The Devil is one of God’s tools to flush out those who are really only giving lip service to God, the luke warm who’s Hearts are not in the right place and those who are underneath not worthy of
Eternal Life. Read in Job. 1:6-12. How God sends the Devil to try Job; see how the Devil tries Job but gives up on Job because of his reaction. Now see in Job. 2:1-7 how it is God sending the Devil back with more authority from God to try Job even further; now know that this is a Devil God purposed!
These things are to trial us, and Eve followed by Adam failed the test, they were originally created with the capability of being immortal without death, but Failed the test that God put them through which was to test what he had created, and test their worthiness for immortality with out the sting of death, but through the sin of disobedience, ---- came death to all mankind, here it is from Paul, 1Corinthians. 15:45, “And so it has been written, the first Adam “Became a living soul;” the last Adam, a life giving Spirit”, ---- and now because of that we read v46, “The Spiritual was however was not the first, but the Animal; afterwards the Spiritual”. (Dual meaning here, Christ also.)
Now we have as written, first came Flesh, and then comes the Spiritual body, just as in Jesus Christ’s coming to be, -----and those of us who are found worthy will have his likeness!
God has created a Son of God flesh man, and a Son of man flesh man, Adam and Eve were the first Son of God flesh man, and if you study Gods Scriptures In Genesis you will see that there were other mankind that Adam and Eves off spring did marry into, that there were other people that Cain was scared of to be cast out amongst, (Sons of men) as God did to Cain after Cain killed Able.
The Scriptures of God are more concerned with giving us the knowledge of the Sons of God mankind than with any other created at that time, however with exact knowledge and understanding from God to those he has given it, the understanding has become clear, and that understanding is to the level that God has decided, and is not controlled by man directly.(Man has to hunger for the word)
This should answer some of the questions that many should have, and silence the critics who have picked up what they call the impossible concerning the Scriptures in this area, God has not written all knowledge, the knowledge he has given us in the Scriptures is sufficient to make us enquire after more, and this is God purposed, designed to bring us closer to him, (Gods ones will respond). Unfortunately some have gone and enquired after this knowledge from the wrong source, they have gone to man, when in fact they should have gone to God, because scripture tells us, and we see also many of these are deceived that go to man, they have fallen into the Great Deceivers trap.
Why? Why did this sorrowful event have to happen? The Devil is God purposed.You have to understand what the Devil is; he is the Adversary, the Accuser, his job is to flush out all those who are not actually worthy, and accuse them to God, this means he tells God what he has found in people, the Devil knows full well the Eternal life rules, he knows only those who are worthy will be allowed into the Kingdom of God, and God has to listen to that accusation, because God made the rules, and God has to act accordingly against those accused, and we have to know and understand this; God has purposed all of this, and know that it is how God will prevent those who are not worthy to enter, from entering, it purges them out, it brings out the hidden defects, the undesirable traits that are not wanted in the Kingdom of God in Eternal life; but God gives correction to those who will receive it! ----- Think about this. Some will have hard choices ---- But not so hard to the willing.
Go to the book of Revelations. 20:1-3. “And I saw an Angel coming down from Heaven, having the key of the Abyss, and a great chain in his hand. And he seized the Dragon, the old Serpent, who is an
Enemy, and the Adversary, and bound him a thousand years, and cast him into the Abyss, and shut up and sealed over him, so that he might deceive the Nations no more, till the thousand years should be ended; after these he must be loosed for a short time.” V 7-8 says he will be released again to deceive the nations to war. Yes he is God purposed alright! And yes, he has been and is now the Deceiver alright! --- Look around in Scripture there is plenty of other evidence of all this.
Once the Devil use to accuse on a temperate basis, for example the book of Job gives us that information, but now the War has happened in High Heaven, the Accuser is angry to wrath, and he is far more active and intense than before, this being purposed, and the reason for that is because time is getting close for the return of Jesus Christ, and the Saints that are on this Earth now, have benefited from this activity of the Devil, benefited in that God uses all things to bring his Saints to be worthy, also many of the tests and trials, and the teachings, God giving them first hand observances in matters relating to their being bought by God and Jesus to be worthy, these things are linked to these activities of the Devil. (You only need to read through the Bible with some understanding to see these things)
With good study of Gods Scriptures and Prayer for understanding, you should see with clarity what God is telling us.
God wants his ones to know these very important facts, these are crucial to our awareness of what is on us now, even now, ---today’s times, and until Jesus Christ returns.
Men were not born to be sinners, but it is an apparent weakness that God has found in his creation, he created and he tested, just as we do when we create or design something, we test it, Adam and Eve were put to the test and God found they both had a fault, and that fault was disobedience to God, the original sin, ---- disobedience, is still Christianities biggest problem!
So then what was the test, what were Gods tools for testing Sons of God? The Devil, and now is that fallen Angel --- which is, that God purposed bad Spirit, and his follower Angels, because the Devil would need help. They are a bit unruly, they had war and got cast out of the high Heaven!(worried?)
God would have wiped out his creation and started again, but in considered mercy he put many plans into effect, and he gave them a covering for their sin, and now, and for the last two thousand or so years, we have that covering in our Jesus Christ. (A plan for another foundation of a world).
But remember God was bought to wrath and regretted his saving decision, in the days of Noah, and we still have to live in hope that Gods wrath will be limited when he pours it out on this world, he warns us; if it were not for the Saints he might destroy the whole existence of man.
On the strength of this information God has given us, wouldn’t all who call them selves Christian be looking to Sainthood in themselves? They should be, but! --- No they are not, not all that should be, very few are, according to Jesus, and what stops any of us from Gaining Sainthood? ----Disobedience to God. And can I help them? Can I help with passing on this Knowledge and understanding from God and Jesus? Or is all this for my own learning, towards the calling God had Jesus call me for? Who wants to listen? --- Do any Christians?
So what we have arrived at now is the very reason why God has purposed the Devil, --disobedience, ---the very same thing that was Adam and Eves problem, --- nothing has changed, call it a design fault or call it anything you like, ---it’s Son of God mankind’s biggest fault.
God is making the best of a bad situation and so must we, God has bought a solution to the problem and we must work with it, and make the best use of it.
WHATS GOD’S SOLUTION? Like it or not it’s the Devil, that purposed angel, and this is Gods tools to work on the Sons of God in the last desperate act of God, that man might exercise his free will, and have it in his Heart to be obedient to God. The sons of men in context are those who do not believe in Jesus Christ, even if they do believe in the same God as us. (Sons of men, in context here).
Even those who are obedient to God are put to the test; God has the Devil raging, and at war with even God’s obedient ones, that final testing.
Yes being obedient to God is one thing, but having it come from our Heart is another; God will flush out those who are only giving him, and Jesus Christ lip service, God has designed the devices and he uses them.
Sons of God can and will be punished, just as God said in 2 Samuel. 7:12-17, about bringing Jesus up to stand, and that’s a good example, however it’s not the only one written.
We have to be refined and purified, to put on that pure white Gown, there are to be no blemishes on that, and to give meaning to that, disobedience to God is the kind of blemish that would stop any wearing the white Gown. (The fine linen is the obedient Saints).
God and all concerned in the heavenly realms, and that includes those on Earth now considered Saints, do not want bad Hearts or bad Spirits disrupting Eternal life, (that is “Life”, not eternal torment, that is not “Life”.) God’s word to us has it that none will get in to Gods kingdom that are not worthy. Look at the wedding feast Parable, and the one found without the wedding Gown!
Disobedience doesn’t bring forth Saints, God cannot make any of us Saints if we are disobedient to him, and it is Saints God and Jesus are looking for, those who they can bring to be Saints.
Read the Scriptures/Gospels to take away any doubt you may have about Saints on Earth now days,(1 Corinthians, Ch 15.) people in the flesh, yes we can be Saints, find the verse that says about how when the time comes for Jesus Christ to return, he will come with his Saints, those who have been risen first, and then those Saints who are still alive on Earth at his coming, will be taken up in the air, and changed in the twinkling of an eye, to a meeting with Jesus Christ. And ignore the statements that today’s Pope 2009 is making on the news media, their deceived doctrine of Saints. Read the Bible and God’s word for Heaven sake!
With understanding of, 1 Cor, 15:51-54, you will realize that we still have to die, albeit in such a quick way as to not feel the sting of death that comes to sinners. V55.
I have touched on the above to bring in the picture and help give some understanding to those who haven’t yet reached that level, and to those who may have experienced deceived teachings which don’t allow them to understand these truths.
We are told By God to examine every Spirit if it be of God, so you should examine me and what I write, see if I bear fruit, that I teach with the understanding given from God.
To do that we have to study Gods word with prayer to God, and here is one such prayer, first pray “The Lords Prayer” because that asks God to keep us from the Great deceiver the Devil, “Deliver us from evil” or “Deliver us from the evil one”, God knows it’s meaning, the prayer was formulated by God and given to Jesus to deliver to us.
Now pray this; “Heavenly Father, I ask you to bless me with the Skill of understanding the knowledge of your word, the wisdom to know what to do with it, and a wise and hearing Heart, bless me with the exact knowledge from you, as I reach for the strength of your arm, and I give thanks through Jesus Christ. Amen.”
You have to know that your Heart has to be in the right place with God, and be Hungry for the Knowledge, and thirsting for the Spirit that brings these things to us.
Now let’s study Gods word, for maybe now God will give us corrections to the mistakes, and bias writings of those who pervert the scriptures/Gospels of God.
The book of Job, it’s a very good lesson God has given us that we would get to know God better, it teaches us to draw close to God, and why we should draw closer yet, here is the lesson; God has a Spirit he has created as an Angel form, he has created what is called the Devil, or Satan, or the Adversary or the Accuser, or the Enemy, or the Old Dragon, the Serpent.
God has put Job to the test; he has allowed the Devil to test Job’s obedience and Faith to God to the limits of Human endurance.
Read how The Devil, and God hold great and meaningful discussions regarding Job, the Devil accuses Job of only being obedient to God because God has blessed Job with many things, God says not so, the Devil says let me prove it to you, God agrees to let the Devil prove Job one way or the other, but warns the Devil not to take Job’s life.
Without my even opening the book of Job I know that the Devil has bought down on Job his whole world, with the exception of destroying Jobs wife, who added difficulty to Job’s woes, by trying to sway Job’s faith and just give up on God and die.
The Spirit of God that is within Job was put to the test.
What test has God put you through?
I am not going to quote chapter and verse by writing it all, but by reading and accepting God’s words, we can see what God has done here, and that God has a purposed Devil, as one of his tools in
Bringing his ones to be worthy, and acceptable for Eternal life. (God wants us to cling to him and Jesus Christ, closer than most of us may be prepared, (to keep us from the Devils influencing spirit.)
God did the testing of Our Jesus Christ, 40 days and 40 nights in the Desert, God once again used his Purposed Devil as a tool, (and that has to trip up those who say Jesus was God.)
We have to understand that God has created all things, and there is nothing that God has not created, ----All things, ----everything has been created by God, and when you understand that you will then be able to accept the exact Knowledge God gives, and ultimately that God has created the Devil with purpose. (Like it or not).
Some people argue with what God has given us as Knowledge and understanding, the deceiver takes hold and they make other doctrine that they then teach one another, the Devil is working on them and has flushed them out to God, the Devil does his work very well! Because now he has flushed out the disobedient, the Luke warm, and those who do not seek their strength from God’s arm, preferring instead to group in “Party spirit” with mans precept and doctrines, angering God, and making Jesus want to vomit them out! (Sound a bit strong, a bit on the tough side? Not as tough as it’s going to be on these who don’t come out of these situations).
God says “Come out of her, my people, least you fellowship with her sins, and partake of her Plagues”, make no mistake, “Her” is the Church and Churches, and any one who are at fault in these matters, and it’s God’s word through Jesus Christ that tells us that these ones are to go through the Plagues, and Death is no escape because God has all control over all things, death included, so if it is Plagues anyone has earnt, then the only way to escape is to come out of that situation that is bringing them on you in the first place, only thing is,--- that coming out has to be done before our death.
We should now look at the Scripture/Gospel of proof.
The Book of Revelations, or Apocalypse.
Now the proof of What God has purposed using the Devil.
The Devil abided at one time in High Heavens, we know because we have this account, Rev, 12:7. “And there was a war in Heaven; Michael and his Angels fighting with the Dragon. And the Dragon fought and his Angels.” –This dragon is the Devil who once lived in High Heaven and also he had his followers.
V8. Tells us that they are not as strong as the Angels of God, which is a great comfort, but remember they are far stronger than us! Also we are told that the Devil and his angels are no longer in Heaven!
Time to get worried! ----- Where are they then? --- No apologies for saying this – be afraid, very afraid! --- doesn’t’ sound to good does it! --- But that’s the effect it is suppose to have on us!
V9. Tells us they are cast out of Heaven and they are down here with us! And all his followers! God help us all! Yes that’s right that’s what God wants us to do, cling to him and Jesus Christ for our protection from this Devil and co.
V9 still. Note, --- that the Devil is called “That Old Serpent”, and remember the Serpent of Eve? Same one, that’s the same Serpent, that old Serpent, he’s been around for a while!
A thought just occurred to me, I hope at this stage you do believe God that there is a Devil, (some people don’t) or you won’t believe any of this, and that means you don’t believe God, and you don’t believe Jesus Christ, and therefore if you don’t believe them then you are not one of theirs, you are then calling God a liar, however if you do come to believe eventually, then you can become one of Gods people.--- .
Now verse 10 is very important to need to understand to get the full context of what the message is.
I am Quoting from the Diaglott, which is the word for word translation of the original Greek manuscript.
V10. “And I heard a loud voice in Heaven saying, “Now has come the Salvation, and the power, and the Kingdom of our God, and the Authority of his Anointed one, because that accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast out.”
Now the understanding of that verse; The Devil will help sort out the worthy ones for Eternal Life, to bring about their salvation, by the power used by the Kingdom of God, showing up the Authority of all Jesus Christ said and did, that it now has great power to the Salvation of all those on Earth, because without all that to fight off the Devil there is no hope, this is the authority in Christ, without him and all the Gospel Knowledge he bought to us from God, without that we have nothing to fight off the Devil. (Showing up the Authority of all Jesus Christ said and did, the power of salvation!)
Can you now see how there is a Devil, that he is purposed by God, that he to in Gods way is doing Gods work? God says Cowards will not enter his Kingdom, so don’t run and Join the Devil as some do, that is to be a Coward, and to be of complete lack of understanding, no, stand and fight, use God through Jesus Christ as your strength and shield, put on the Armor of God to protect you, and use Gods word bought to us by the Authority in Jesus Christ, as a sword to fight off the deceiving of the Devil, (you will read all those quotes, having been put in context here, they are all in Scripture/Gospel.) Be open to Gods Correction over the Devils deceived men.
So let’s back that up with Scripture.
V11. “And they conquered him through the blood of the Lamb, and through the word of their testimony; and they loved not their life to death.”
The meaning of v11; Those ones of God who know Gods word through Jesus Christ, who have clung to the covering for sin by the blood of Jesus Christ, (think back to the covering God gave Adam and Eve, the animal skin of the Lamb, and the blood spilt) and those ones also believed the word of God through Jesus, and they were obedient to God and Jesus Christ, and they made sure they followed Jesus Christ in their life, they are the ones who had more time to find out the truth from God, they were not so busy with money earning work, they made time to pray and seek God in understanding, and study to gain the exact knowledge, not falling into the Devils trap of the worldly deceived way of
Life, therefore they did not love the worldly way of life, and find death instead of life, they simply, “Did not love their life to death”. They made the time to listen to God!
Understanding the above will allow the understanding of V12. “Therefore rejoice, Heavens! And those who tabernacle in them, woe to the Earth and to the Sea! Because the enemy has gone down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has a short season.”
As I just said, you need to know the meaning of V11, because v12 is very frightening otherwise, yes the Devil is here now, he got here to kill the new born Jesus if he could, and V13 tells us that.
“Rejoice Heavens”, this is because finally those who are going to be worthy are going to be shown up, and the Devil is raging he’s making war, and he’s only got until Jesus returns, and then the Devil gets chained into the abyss , he is taken out of the world to allow evil and deceit to be overcome amongst people, and then, in order to flush out those people who still have an evil Heart, the Devil is to be let out of the abyss once more, and those who are still inclined to be of the Devil will feel encouraged to manifest it ,and destroyed at the “Second death judgment”, thus clearing all evil intent from entering the Kingdom of God. – So – “Rejoice Heavens” the Devils on earth now!
Now then, this is based on the book of Revelations or the Apocalypse. Ch 20:1-10. Have a good read; It tells of the Devil being chained for a thousand years, (the time of the reign of Christ and the Saints, and until the second death (Judgment); this so he cannot deceive the people any more during the 1000 years, these being those who as in v4, did not worship the Beast nor his image and did not receive the mark on their forehead (Devils knowledge of deception), and on their hand (Doing the Devils work). These ones without his mark shall reign with Jesus the Christ for the thousand years. ---- So then after that 1000 year reign the devil is to be loosed once again! And as in V 7-8 tells us the Devil will go fourth to deceive those Nations which are spread all over the world, and assemble them to the Greatest of Wars, and there are absolute Millions of these ones who are assembled to this war! V9 tells us that they are consumed. --- Now it is after that the Devil is put into everlasting torment, day and night, this happening because of what he did with the word of God (The fire is the word of God in context here), And what’s more, see that the same has happened at a time, to the “False prophet”, and the “Beast” (They also are active today, fully backed by the Devil as part of his tools to deception). (Read Rev you will see).
Then see the second death comes in the form of judgment to those still dead v 12-15.
Now see in Rev 21:1 onwards, How after all the 1000 year period and the second judgment is over, that there is now a “New Heavens, and a New Earth”, and the New Holy and spiritual City Jerusalem comes down out of the Heavens from God, this being described in CH. 21: and in verse 16 it tells us of the unusual dimensions of this City, as the length and the Breadth, and the Height of it are the same! And the verses go on to describe the people being in their immortal state, and God will be in all, and all will be in God. --- And we read in Scripture that at this time Jesus, that who was once a man as us, hands everything back to our Father, Jesus and those who make it are of the same immortal body, that which God the Almighty has in store. (You will find it).
O.K. Back to Ch 12:17.
And now if you look at V17. “And the Dragon was enraged against the woman, and went away to make war against that remainder of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus”.
The meaning of V17; the Devil had tried to kill Jesus and couldn’t so turned on Israel, and the seeds of Israel, then turned in rage and is making war on all who keep the commandments of God, and who teach and have the truth of Jesus Christ, these are the obedient ones of God.
Why would God have such a thing happen to these people? And that is why we need to have understanding, well we first must understand; God doesn’t want these things to happen to us, he would rather not, no! it is bought on man by man himself, it is mans fault even though God has purposed the Devil in case of need, and even though the Adversary being Spirit can be a big influence on man, it is still mans fault.
Why is it ultimately Mans own fault? Because Man will not turn to God and Jesus as they should It is that simple, yet it is a complication in the same breath: it is a complication because man makes it that way, because he will not seek God’s exact knowledge in the proper way, the Devil can then step in; this is rampant amongst the Churches of yesterday and today, “The falling back”, “Apostasy”.
Let’s have a look at what Paul tells us of the God purposed Devil, the Adversary, and remember Jesus Christ has Paul filled with the exact knowledge, Paul is a promised Comforter, we can depend on Paul’s word, because Jesus said that when he has gone others will do great things, even greater than him, also; that one day he would stop talking in Parables, and that he would speak plainly, this is Jesus the Christ speaking plainly through Paul, O.K. what about this Adversary?
1Cor.5:5. “To deliver that person to the Adversary, for the destruction of the Flesh that the Spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord.” ----What then is happening here? Paul has been told of incest, a Christian has committed incest with his Fathers wife, and this is to be dealt with by the Devil, the Adversary: The Devil will bring this sinner down to his knees, as this is his proficiency, this is what he is purposed for, the Devil is the expert, this sinner will be bought so low that he will either turn to God in a profound way, or he will give way to the flesh desires and therefore the wiles of the Devil, therefore judging himself.
This one, who committed Incest, is an example, and therefore we see that the Adversary is to be used to try and save the Spirit of the sinner before he meets his maker; the Devil is being used to purpose! We all would do well to be aware that these things can happen to us also these days, we may not have Paul to direct the course of action, but we do have the Adversary, willing and able to be directed by God to do God’s purpose!
We need to know, and fully believe God and Jesus when they tell us there is a Devil, for our very eternal profit!
(Diaglott) Hebrews 2:14. “Since then, the Children have one common nature of blood and flesh; he also, partook of these; in order that, by means of his death, he might vanquish him possessing the
Power of Death—that is, the Adversary.” Now then who is the Adversary? He is the Devil; we are told here that the Devil has the power of Death.
We need to know, we need the knowledge, because if we don’t, we wont know how to deal with the deception of the Devil, and what the Devil will bring on those who are not fully God’s ones.
God has purposed the Devil to bring his ones closer to him also, and to start flushing out those who’s Hearts are not in the right place, those who the Devil has infiltrated, Just when we think we are close to God, then God knows we are not close enough, he knows we have to be closer, he knows what is needed to get us into his Kingdom, he knows what it takes of us to be worthy to be Saints, he has to push us further than we think, we are the weak, God is the strong, so he has an enticement in place, and that is either get real close to God, or get cut off by the Devil, and the encouragement to do so is all laid out for us to read in the Scriptures/Gospels.
You think not?
Then here it is again; v17. “And the Dragon was enraged against the woman, and went away to make war against that remainder of her seed, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus.” If you are one of God’s people you are “Seed Spiritually”, and Grafted in, that is, if you are not of the blood line of the people Israel, or Jewish; also, saying you are Christian does not necessarily make you one of God’s people, Jesus tells us that in his Parables.
If you can’t receive this understanding, then understand this, read on in Rev 12 and 13 of the Beast, and know that the Devil is the main support for the Beast, if any get the mark of the Beast, then they have been taken over by the Devil and who he supports.
The only way one can avoid the mark of the beast is to obey Gods Commandments, and to Love God with all our Mind all our Heart all our Soul and all our Strength. Problem solved!
So then, how do we love God? We obey all his commandments, and not find that grievous, then we are loving God in the way he wants us to, and in return if we do that properly he will be able to keep us from the Devil, there will be no need to go through any Plagues, we will be true Sons, and Daughters of God, we will be precious in God’s eyes, and more so than fine Gold! ----Saints, they do not get deceived by the Devil. (It is all written).
So then do you believe in the existence of the Devil?
God tells us to judge ourselves and that will help save us from later Judgment, if you still cannot receive this understanding of Gods word, you seriously need to judge yourself,(1 Cor.11:31) and ask yourself who’s taught you to deny the existence of the Devil, who’s taught you to call God’s word lies and therefore God and Jesus liars, have another look at God’s word and think to yourself, -- Can the man that teaches me different to what Gods word says, can he gift me Eternal life?
Then tell yourself that the only thing deceived teachings can bring is; the least in the Kingdom of God, and or Eternal cutting off from God, which is Eternal torment.
You may or may not be getting plagues now or in this life, but don’t forget God has control over all things, and that includes our Spirit that passes out of our flesh at death, read Corinthians.
The deceived teachings of men can mean our death, in other words we don’t get Eternal Life, we don’t just die and receive nothing either, our Spirit which is the real us goes on after death, it is risen again in Gods time, the bad receive the death of Eternal torment as opposed to, life beyond our comprehension with God and Jesus, and all the Heavenly Family that have and do make it!
There is much more on all this in Scripture/Gospel, I have pointed out just some of the truth available, and this to try and help those fellow people who I know have been deceived by deceived man, and those who haven’t yet realized the truth.
Look at John 8:44. (Diaglott) “You are from the Father, the Accuser, and the lusts of your Father you wish to do. He was a manslayer from the beginning, and has not stood in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When any one speaks a falsehood, he speaks from his own, because his Father also is a liar.” It is very clear from this read either from the Diaglott or the KJV, that we have a choice of spiritual Fathers! This one written of here is not the Father in Heaven, who is God the Almighty, no, this is the other spirit Father, and that is the Devil. This Devil is the Father of all the liars, of all the falsehoods, of all the deceived teachings; this is why he is called a “Manslayer”, or a “Murderer”, simply because all these things that are false bring about the loss of the Eternal Life to those who are deceived by him: That is the death, the loss of Eternal “life”. Anyone causing this to happen to another is called a “Murderer”: And what’s more, read also verse 43 “Why do you not know my speech? Because you can not hear my word”. These are those who are caught up in the deception, deceived man, his deceived teachings, so caught up in Mans precepts and doctrines, as to no longer able to hear God and Jesus the Christ’s words: These are those who have the Devil as their Father. Now don’t forget, Jesus was talking to the Pharisees; these are those who were the Lawyers of the time, upholding Moses Law was suppose to be their Job! Yet the lesson is for all!
We have to open to understanding, and seek from God through Jesus Christ in all fervency, to gain the vital truth, that knowledge we have to know to keep us from the deceived teachings.
2 Cor.2:11. “That we are not over reached by the Adversary; for we are not ignorant of His devices.”
This is Paul talking to the Corinthians, yet he reveals that the Apostles and the Saints and believers, were well aware of the Devil, who is the Adversary, and well aware of his ways, his devices which he uses on Christians.
Then he goes on to say in verse 17. “For we are not like the many, trafficking the word of God; but really from sincerity, and as from God, in the presence of God, we speak concerning Christ.”
Now trafficking the word of God means; adulterating the word of God for money! And what’s more, the world is full of that today! It is part of the deceiver’s works, using those who are deceived, to deceive all those who come their way.
It has been given to me as exact knowledge; we must gain these understandings to allow God and Jesus to work on us to bring us to be worthy of that Eternal Life,
Can you hear it? Can you hear God? Can you hear Jesus? Can you hear the Elohim Angels? And have you tried? Do you know how?
It is all done through your spirit, or should I say through the Spirit of God’s that is within all of us. But we have to know this; we cannot hear God if we are not open to it, it’s not easy! We have to shut out all the worldly things around us and those things that are going on in our heads. We have to shut out the deceived teachings that we have and may believe.
It comes through Spirit, it’s not a load voice, we have to become Spiritual, as God tells us that we should come to him, God says that he is looking for us to come to him in Spirit and pray to him in Spirit, those are the ones he is looking for.
So there’s the explanation of why God requires us to do so, it is so he can talk to us in Spirit, and it is “His small voice” and it also could be that way even for a Great Prophet as Elijah! So then how much do we have to be aware of so that we can hear God! ----- A lot! And the lack of Knowledge, and the deception that is being taught, is what prevents most, so that they never have the experience!
So let’s pray. Our Father who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Heavenly Father, I ask you to bless me with the skill of understanding, the knowledge of your word, the wisdom to know what to do with it, and a wise and hearing Heart, these things I pray through the Lord Jesus the Christ. Amen.
If we all learnt to pray this prayer fervently, that is willingly from the Heart, from the Spirit of us, and if we backed that up by giving the devoted time required for God to be able to teach us, then this prayer is one that Yahweh our one and only God will gladly answer. But sadly most people are to busy with life and worldly things and distractions to be able to give the time required, and sadly some give enough time to receive a small amount of the exact knowledge from God, then they part
From God because there are to many worldly and deceived distractions, and go off looking for the rest from deceived man or from their own understandings, these have a mix of some truth and some deceived teachings. (Just as the Great Deceiver designs).
Jesus tells us he can’t do anything about the purposed Devil in this verse, John.14:30. “The Prince is of this world” is the Devil, as in John. 12:31. Luke 10:18. Acts 26:18, 2Cor. 4:4.Eph. 2:2 and 6:12. And other verses in the KJV. Jesus says in John.14:30. That the Prince of this world has nothing in Jesus, this to mean that Jesus cannot do anything about the Devils existence on this earth as it is God purposed.
John 12:31. Is also referring to that verse which says “Rejoice Heavens” because the devil is cast out onto the earth and this will bring judgment of the world, sorting the sheep from the Goats.
Acts 26:18. Tells us of people under the power of Satan the Devil, that their eyes have to be opened to the deception that is of the Devil.
Eph. 2:2. “Wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the Prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.” – Yes well the “Prince of the power of the air” Is the Devil that rules this world, and his spirit is what works in the people of disobedience to God and Jesus Christ.
And as it is put in Eph. 6:12. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” – This describes the realms of the Spiritual Devil, and his followers.
And we read of some the problems that are associated with all this in Jer 23: and other Prophets.
These writings are some of the keys to the knowledge that is the seal of God in our forehead, that allows us entry into Gods Kingdom and his Gift of Grace, that of Eternal “Life”.
This Understandings given, was to that Church who does not believe in the Devils existence.
Kevin McQuoid.
God's word given.