



God's word given.

1 Corinthians 14:29+ Prophets. Edited in ------.

Dictionary meaning of a Prophet.

Prophet, =Inspired teacher, revealer or interpreter of God’s will.

Interpret, = Explain abstruse words, writings, make out the meaning of, understand.

Abstruse, = Hard to understand, profound, conceal.

Profound, = Deep, of great insight or knowledge, demanding much thought, hard to penetrate or understand or unravel.

Therefore those who God puts to study his word from the Scriptures/Gospels, and reveals understandings of it to, and this only being achieved by God persuading the hard study of his word, has to be seen as that person being called a Prophet; this Person could only be correctly termed a prophet if the person was corrected by God in their understandings, in those deceived teachings, from erroneous translations and interpretations, and biases which are written into the Scriptures/Gospels by man over the years. This then being the true interpretation of a God inspired teacher, a prophet of God in the measure which God does allow.

This Prophet is not to be confused with the Major Prophets, or the word prophecy; while the Prophet is that inspired by God to understand his written word in the correct way, this is not prophecy as in the major prophecy of predicting a future event, even so this major prophecy has to be that given by God to that man, and it has to be understood that man cannot prophecy of himself, he cannot claim to be a prophet if it has not come from God himself!

God has warned of the “False Prophets”, and his warning is of those who announce Major Prophecy, by their own doing; those who prophecy the exact time of return of Christ are “False Prophets”, and there are churches around today that have their founders who have done this very thing, and proving that they are not the God inspired church founder or teacher at all, but many can’t see through these ones; one man prophesied the date of the return of Christ three different times! And still he has a following of believers who are devoted to his doctrines, which indecently he in the past also changed; he denounced his teachings and totally changed much of what he taught many times, closing down his church, and crashing in on other churches to try and bring himself a congregation, a man by the name of John Thomas, and his counterpart, and man named Robert Roberts, who while not entirely agreeing with John Thomas, yet is upholding his teachings: It is this sort of thing that God and Jesus have warned us about in prophecies, not to do, and to keep away from those who do such.

To sum it all up.

According to the Dictionary meaning of the word Prophet, yes, there are today people who can be called Prophets, and there will in the last days be people who will be more so, but wait! Remember this very important fact; a Prophet being a person who; Prophet, =Inspired teacher, revealer or interpreter of God’s will.

Interpret, = Explain abstruse words, writings, make out the meaning of, understand.

Abstruse, = Hard to understand, profound, conceal.

Profound, = Deep, of great insight or knowledge, demanding much thought, hard to penetrate or understand or unravel.

Remember this; the Prophet must be God inspired!------- God Inspired!

End of Edited in.

What is a Prophet today times? ---- Therefore, what is prophecy today times?
This is what God says in Numbers.12:6. “And he said to them, hear my words: If there should be a prophet to the Lord, I will be made known to him in a vision, and in sleep will I speak to him.”
A prophecy comes from God in a vision awake or asleep and in sleep will God speak in vision dreams! This does not necessarily mean that God will talk verbally to you, or hold a conversation with you.
Verse 7. “My servant Moses is not so; he is faithful in all my house. V8. I will speak to him mouth to mouth apparently, and not in dark speeches; and he has seen the glory of the Lord;”
God says that Moses was not a prophet! And he called him a servant.
That being the case then, I have had those particular five visions and dreams, first was the Blackness, second was the Verbal calling, the third was the problem cured visit, the fourth was the spirit body experience and the fifth was the taking up. That then must be a form of prophecy, the Verbal Calling was during awake hours in the morning, and the Blackness was fully during midday, and the other three were during sleep.
The interesting thing was with the Blackness vision, and the Verbal calling; I was in a sort of state that I had never encountered before, --- (I am sorry, but I have edited out some key information here, because of the very real risk of deceivers using this information to pretend their own authenticity. I am withholding my Pearls.) (Those of you who have had your own experiences will know what I am with holding). To continue. What God had for me came without clouding or interruption, it was clear and full on. (It may very well be that a state of a sort of a sleep came over me, because I was not aware of anything else, this concerning the day time ones.)
With the Blackness came a message to my mind, not a spoken word as such, more like something that had always been there, no definite hearing, it was an awareness that these were the words I was given; “This is what it would be like if our only destiny was in the hands of evil man”.
Bear in mind that I never knew at that stage what it was about, nor was I in any way religiously inclined. This is important; I was not religiously inclined when this Black despair vision happened!
With the verbal calling, the same mind set happened and the one word, just my name was clear as a bell come in through my forehead as it seems, not my ears, but with a clarity surrounded by what I thought at the time was a sound that might best be described as something you would here coming from an electric organ, sort of harpsichord. But since then I have heard that nose, it’s not the same!
The one where I was given the feeling of what it was like to be in the spirit body was one of no speaking, but a strong reality feeling, but not as strong as the last one to date, that being taken up: with this one I was very noisy with elation, and the messages were as in the mind, but the being taken up feeling was a very strong sensation, and lasted some weeks afterwards, to the point where I was concerned to be thinking to hard about that particular feeling for fear that I might bring something on that I couldn’t handle at that time: Now it has left me with a knowing that if the right sequent’s of events were to happen, that I would rise up.


There is one other that I had which involved a hands on visit, with no visual of the hands on, just the feeling, let me explain that this to was a vision dream, and the actual hands on visit seems to be something done to add to the realism of what was taking place, which was a cure for a problem I had that may have stopped me from being worked on to enter the Kingdom of God, how ever it worked! (The cure that is, yet to be seen about the Kingdom of God though).
But look at it, these being vision dreams, and as God has described what prophecy is, or how it comes, and the scriptures say it cannot be bought on by the will of man, these being prophecies, the anyone having these happen for them must have to accept them as going to happen, that these are God’s prophecies to us so that we will be more inclined to walk that path, to live life to be sure to allow the prophecies to eventuate. (I think so!)
So then I perceive that; the talking of God is in the message that comes from the vision dream it self, one needs to think long and hard on what God has given in this case, my experience on this matter is that; if I think and dwell on the vision dream, then God continues to give revelation of what it is all about, this then is God speaking in “His still small voice”: But none the less it is still speaking, and I perceive that it is God speaking to our spirit, that it is a spiritual truth.
Then having perceived by experience what can be called prophecy, it needs to be understood that the prophecy needs to be spoken to become prophecy, (It is written so): Now what needs to be understood is that this prophecy in my experience, is of a personal nature, and extending into my other family members, but prophesy it is, and that’s according to God, in the revelation on the subject in Numbers.12:6-7.
Now we all read of the major prophets, prophecying of great happenings to come, and we see these prophesies having come to be from past history, and events that are happening now, and leading to things to come: but don’t let that detract you from the very real experiences that some people are experiencing today, if the form of their own prophecies given to them from God, they may not be major and effect everyone else, but they are prophesy: I know of others who have had similar experiences to mine, and also with very different results, and also, because others can see why their out come or visions are different, that backs up in belief for those who do experience vision dream prophecy.
Remember this; the prophecies that I know of today only effect that person or their immediate family, and a great benefit in my experience, because having had multiples, it gives a great power to work towards having them happen, knowing that this is what God wants for me and my family: And I say this in opposed to having had prophecies that effect other people, that the message God is giving is only of importance to those it is given, the only benefit anyone else could derive from them is that they may feel a spiritual uplift knowing that God is actively with us, and there are goals to be reached.
Then there is the one that my wife and I had together at Picton, we both saw the same day vision, and that was in my days of ignorance towards Deity.



1 Corinthians, tells us much of prophecy today times, but we must remember it is only partitive, there is nothing I can find in the Scriptures/Gospels that indicate that anyone has full on prophesy today times, in fact I should soon find the place, where it says those who do so will have problems to contend with, then I’ll quote it, mean time let me get this understanding out in the open.
Paul the Apostle has written to the congregation in Corinth, now in the KJV Paul addresses them as “Called to be Saints”. While in the Diaglott word for word of the original Greek manuscripts, Paul addresses them as “Having been sanctified in Anointed Jesus, called Saints with all those calling on the name of the Lord of us Jesus Anointed in every place, of them, and of us.”
So I think it fair to say that either way Paul is talking both to Saints, and those people to be Saints: Having understanding on that makes the way clear to understand the context of the message Paul has from Jesus to us.
The main concern reading what is written in 1 Cor, is that of prophecy, and is it available now according to Scripture.
Now if your read 1 Cor 12:27-31. And you will see that even after Jesus has risen to be at the right hand of the Heavenly Father, that the young congregation has still a certain amount of the Holy Spirit of God doing things actively through them: now go on to Ch 13:8-9.(Diaglott says). “Love fails not at any time; but if there be prophesying they will be done away; or if Languages, they will cease; or if knowledge, it will be made useless, for Partitivley we know, and partitivley we Prophesy.” (KJV changes the meaning of; “But whether there be prophecies they shall fail.” This is not correct!)
So far what we have is that there is prophecy, but it won’t be full blown prophecy as with the prophets of future happenings of God for all concerned, now if we read on we will soon see the Scriptural evidence that this applies to today times.
V10. “But when the perfect thing comes, that which is partitive will be done away.” : Now the perfect thing is referring to Jesus Christ, and his return, (Jesus is referred to as the “Perfect thing” in places in the Diaglott). Go now to v.12.
“For now we see through a dim glass obscurely; but then we shall see face to face. Now I know partitivley, but hen I shall know fully. Even as I have been fully known.” Yes we don’t see things to clearly now but when Jesus returns we will see perfectly well, we will know all those things we don’t know or are not sure of at present, and all those things we have to have now days to stay with –Faith Love and Hope, we won’t be needing, because Christ will be here, there will be no need to have things partitivley, we will have it full on when Christ returns, even our knowledge that we strive for now, it will be made useless, because Christ will have all things for all God’s people, and we will see him “Face to face”. And what’s more? Jesus will share with the Saints what God has given him!
So what does all this mean? It means that we do have scriptural proof the there is available a form of prophecy! As for the experience side of it, yes I can vouch for it as partitive, just as I have written


Above: Therefore God has given us scripture identifying what prophecy is, we know it can happen to day times, and the personal prophecy people tell of as their experiences is correct, they are not in error of their ways!
But a warning! God has ample warning; don’t go inventing prophesy, if it is wishy washy, weak in your thoughts, then it’s not prophesy from God! Be aware! If it is prophesy, a vision dream from God, then it will be strong undeniable, it will leave you with a lasting strong impression, you will feel it for may be months afterwards, and most probably you will still be learning of what it has to say to you for some considerable time, that is providing you stay open minded to God for the understanding of it.
It is all to easy for some people to get caught up with others in the “Party spirit” while grouped together, and imagine such things and speak it, this can result in disapproval from God, I personally wouldn’t want to go there!
To genuine people, you will know if or when you may have a prophecy or Vision Dream come to you from God, and remember to speak it!
This is only a brief account of my experiences, just to point out what Prophecy can be, I have left out much of the exact information of how and what was at work during these Vision Dreams, the secrets if you like, “My Pearls” the power of the Holy Spirit at work in the way that it was performed: I have agonised over this decision, wanting to share and have response from others of the same experiences, but I see to much deception in this world now, and see many who would use exact knowledge such as I have edited out, to their deceiving advantage. Now I feel persuaded to do this even at the risk of my own credibility, but as I have said, those who believe will know.

I should relate a situation that not only I, but other people who appear to have strong persuasions of God happen on them, have seen and compared, this is that story; there was a Pastor who started his own Church, his Wife and Daughter took positions in that Church, all had come out of Roman Catholicism, the Daughter spoke in tongues on demand, a very load harsh repetitive sound, not pleasant to listen to, same strange words each time, it’s the first time I had heard anyone talking in tongues, and was alarmed by what I was witnessing, Her mother, the Pastors wife, had quite decided that she was taking over and that this was her Church, and the people though it was all for the wrong reasons.
Now then, the Pastor and I met, we discussed some of our Godly experiences, and to my pleasant surprise I found this Pastor to have had a Vision Dream along very similar lines as my own.
This Pastor had experienced a taking up in similar style as mine, but with some very definite differences concerning the out come, what happened for him was this; He felt himself being taken up, he says, up to what appeared to be about the Milky Way height, when he got there he asked,


“What about my wife and Daughter”, And he immediately plummeted back down to Earth, with nothing said from Deity to him, as far as I know.
Now all those of some sort of knowledge on these things agree with the deciphering of the message, and that is this; the Pastor should have been aware of his Wife and Daughters ways, and he should have been putting hard work into correcting them, God has given him the message by vision dream and taking him up, to show him that yes he the Pastor might be taken up, but until he does the work on his Wife and Daughter, none would be taken up. This is the prophecy given to that Pastor from God! It is his personal prophecy, concerning the Pastor and his family. (This is well known amongst his congregation, as he shared it at Church some times, still not understanding it, and to today I don’t know if he accepts the prophecy, least wise the message within it.)
Yes I think Prophecy is in Part today times, Not only because of my own experiences, but because I believe what Paul tells us in the Scriptures about it, I mean look at it, I would be a real doubting Thomas after all I’ve been through, so let me correct my statement, ---- Yes prophecy in part still exists today.
What about a wee strengthener to all this. Acts.2:17-18. “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out my spirit on all flesh: and your sons and your Daughters shall prophecy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my spirit; and they shall prophecy:” Edit--- This time now, the year 2014, we are in the latter days, and when the Lord Jesus returns, we will be in the Last days. The verses in Acts 2: 17-18. Tell us that God will pour out his Spirit on all flesh, but in context as you read on, it is for his people, to prophecy. I look at the statement made by God, that he will pour out his Spirit on all flesh, and this is during the last days when Jesus is here, for the 1000 year reign, yes God will allow more of his spiritual activites to be felt during that time, in that world.

Edit--- Prophet or servant? it is apparent that:it is possible to be both at one time, or to be one or the other at separate given times, to be continuosly one or the other or, ocasionally one or the other.

Kevin McQuoid.

God's word given.

Kevin McQuoid © 2021